The Walking Birds
Together with Studio LeichtfriedThomas PokornInfinitive FactoryDruckzeug
Client Poster
These are birds you don't see every day. Or in the sky. Or at all. The Walking Birds are a cute set of illustrated, completely made-up birds – they don't fly but walk. Each has a distinct way of moving and a shape that gives them a unique character.
The birds are a self-initiated fun side project. We printed up a set of posters, printed at DruckZeug as part of Lange Nacht der Museen (Long Night Of Museums) to showcase some of their traditional and old-school printmaking techniques and fictitious avians.
Bird Watching Club was initiated by illustrator Daniel Triendl, who also recruited members Paul Leichtfried (Design & Typography), Thomas Pokorn (Copy & Bird Naming) and the Infinitive Factory (Printing & Production).